I provide Contemplative Care, or what is conventionally referred to as ‘spiritual direction’, for seekers and skeptics alike. I work with a range of people and concerns including folks dealing with loss and grief, aging, addiction, trauma recovery, success, trust, creative struggles, and discernment in times of big life changes. I work with clergy, people of devout faith, and people reckoning with religious alienation.
Please note too, I work with straight folks, and with LGBTQI gender non-conforming individuals and the parents, friends, partners and clergy of people in this community.

Sessions are generally an hour long on a sliding scale of $75 to $130 per hour.
I work with folks via live video (zoom) and in person.
Reach me through the CONTACT page on this website for an initial consultation.
Watch for an email reply from me within 48 hours after you. Keep an eye on your junk mail since my email address may be new to your account.
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M Freeman is a member of Spiritual Directors International (SDI) and a Benedictine Oblate of St. Placid Priory in Washington.
Contemplative Care is an immersive and exploratory process that is somewhat conversational. Drawing on a variety of contemplative tools, I approach this work through a finely tuned practice of evocative listening designed to cultivate an ever-deepening experience of rest, consciousness, and direct connection and access to what some might call the Divine, others might call Creator, Presence, God or Goddess, the Mystery. It is what I like to call the numinous. We can tailor this work to your needs and desires. In this process we may integrate any one or a mix of the following contemplative practices and tools:
- Contemplative Rest (M’s guided process of discerning and savoring moments of awe, and resting in the numinous)
- Lectio Divina (sacred, or divinely inspired, reading)
- Scribere Divina (sacred, or divinely inspired, writing)
- Cinema Divina (mining personal insights through M’s shared meditative practice of screening films they’ve made through and for contemplative practices)
- Single Tasking (mindful opening to awe in the everyday)
- Vita Experientia Divina (engaging lectio divina to discern a deeper understanding of lived experience)
- Reverent Silence (guided quiet and listening with your heart)