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Cinema Divina Feb 6, 2022 “Like the Air”

Contemplative & social art practice with M Freeman


Participate from wherever you area….

Loss comes in many forms—a job, a relationship, a home, physical and cognitive abilities, the death of a sister, brother, friend, spouse or parent…. With loss comes grief, and grieving is different for each of us but many arrive at the same question CS Lewis did in his book, A Grief Observed: “Meanwhile, where is God?”  This session kicks off the third Cinema Divina season at the Priory Spirituality Center with a cinematic meditation on grieving and this question: How is Love Moving in My Life Right Now? 

Marilyn will guide participants through a contemplative screening process with a short film made for this session, entitled, Like the Air. Participants will be invited into reverent silences, writing, sharing and spacious listening.

All are welcome — beginners and long-time contemplative practitioners. No prior experience necessary.