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Cinema Divina April 3, 2022 “Begin Again”

Contemplative & social art practice with M Freeman

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I’ve never been interested in “normal’. And to me, the thought of a “new normal” is regressive and dispiriting. However, I’m wild about St. Benedict’s idea of starting over and I love Gertrude Stein’s idea of beginning again and again. Part mystical, part modernist, thoroughly thrilling, their ideas mix like a divine tonic for my tired spirit.

To mark the onset of a global pandemic two years later, with a heart-centered devotion to begin again, that calls to me. To honor the memory of George Floyd’s death, two years later, by beginning again the work of racial healing, that calls to me. And now, to face the outbreak of even more war, by beginning again the pursuit of peace – that calls to me.

This session offers a cinematic communal meditation on this opportune moment to begin again a life of contemplation, justice and peace. I’ll guide participants through a contemplative screening process with my latest Cinema Divina film, Begin Again, made for this session. Participants will be invited into reverent silences, writing, sharing and spacious listening. 

All are welcome — beginners and long -time contemplatives into beginning again.

Join me!

-M Freeman